Short Biography

Specialist Pediatric Dentist

Born in Çanakkale in 1985, Dr. Ayşegül CEVİZOĞLU is a specialist dentist, specifically focused on pediatric dentistry. She completed her primary education at Gazipaşa Republic Primary School (1991-1996), followed by middle and high school at Alanya Ayşe Melahat Erkin Anatolian High School (1996-2003).

In 2008, she graduated from Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Dentistry, and in 2015, she earned her title of Pediatric Dentist by completing her thesis titled “Investigation of the Effect of Mouthguard Usage on Sports Performances and Evaluation of Feedback on Mouthguards” at the same university.

Between 2016 and 2020, she worked as a pediatric dentist at Osmaniye Oral and Dental Health Hospital, and from 2020 to 2022, she continued her practice at Antalya Oral and Dental Health Hospital.

Her areas of expertise encompass restorative and endodontic treatments for both primary and permanent teeth, addressing traumatic dental injuries, and conducting dental treatments under sedation and general anesthesia.

Education & Experience

Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Dentistry
Treatment Applications

Encompass restorative and endodontic treatments

Field of expertise

Specialist Pediatric Dentist

Years of practice


Working Shifts

Doctor’s Articles